Friday, April 11, 2014

Protecting the Environment and Preparing for a Catastrophe

     Protecting the Environment and Preparing for a Catastrophe

     A Research Paper Presented to The English Resource Center
School of Multimedia Arts
Asia Pacific College
Magallanes, Makati

In Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirements for the Course
ERESWRT-Research Writing

Cherith Joy Yucoco
April 2014

Chapter 1: 

A. Background of the Study

     Storms are now more frequent than ever. In a study conducted by the Office of the US Foreign Disaster Assistance (OFDA), they noticed a rise in the so-called hydro-meteorological disasters that includes typhoons, hurricanes and floods over the past 25 years.

     Ker Than wrote an article called,"Scientists: Natural Disasters Becoming More Common." In this article, it was discussed how both man-made and natural factors are influencing negative changes in the environment.

  Then says, "Scientists believe that the increase in hydro-meteorological disasters is because of natural and man-made factors. In 1980, about 100 storms are reported each year, but that number ballooned to over 300 a year since 2000" (

  The next years will not get any better due to climate change. Climate change is said to be inevitable. Nations are starting to deal with storms and severe heat that are beyond their capacity to handle. Countries that are prone to typhoons and other natural calamities will most likely feel the effects of climate change earlier than others.

Nathalie Fiset wrote an article entitled: "Climate Change Due to Global Warming." The article was about the different effects and scenarios that one may feel as a result of climate change. The author also included how warm areas will experience warmer weather due to global warming.

 Fiset wrote, "Storms will also occur with more frequency and intensity. Ironically, water in the soil will evaporate faster, causing dryness between rains. Regions that are already considered dry will experience more dryness. (

Climate change is actually not only confined to storms. It can also be applicable to the recent high temperature of heat that we feel when summer arrives. Lately, weather forecasters have been telling us that temperatures may reach up to 40 degrees Celsius or 104 degrees Fahrenheit.

An author named Jonathon Hardcastle wrote an article entitled: "Climate Change-The Coming Crisis." According to this article, the Earth's temperature has increased by 1 degree Fahrenheit over the last century and that it is because of global warming that our planet is heating up.

Hardcastle writes, "Many scientists point to the emission of greenhouse gases as one of the leading reasons that we are undergoing this global change. Carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide are some of the main compounds that we are releasing more and more, causing something known as the ‘Greenhouse Effect'. This occurs due to the fact that these gases tend to trap heat, and when they are released into our upper atmosphere, they trap some of the heat energy that would normally be reflected by our earth's natural processes." (

As stated earlier, climate change or global warming is inevitable. People in this generation cannot hide or run away from it. It is something that everyone has to go through while on this earth.

  However, the researcher believes that people can do something to ease it's effect on us. People cannot prevent another catastrophe from happening, but they can prepare ahead of time and not be caught off guard.

Having enough information on global warming or climate change, the reader can now be more aware of their surroundings and can share their knowledge about it to other people that has yet to be aware of this phenomenon.

The purpose of this paper is to explain what people can do to protect the environment and prevent disasters.

B. Statement of the Problem

This study aims to answer:

1. What can people do to protect the environment and prevent disasters?
2. What can people do to prepare for a catastrophe?

C. Significance of the Study

College Students Studying Meteorology. This research paper would be of help to students taking up Meteorology as a course because this will give them an idea on how drastic the weather condition in the different parts of the world has been.

Meteorologist. As the experts when it comes to weather conditions and about the earth's atmosphere, this study would help them understand more about global warming and its effects to people and animals.

Environmentalist. This study will be of benefit to individuals who are all out in preserving  the environment. Here, they will find helpful tips on how, in their own little way, can help reduce the effects of global warming and by making our surrounding a better place to live in.

D. Scope and Delimitation.

      This study will focus on the cause and effect of climate change. How each and everyone of us play a vital role in protecting and preserving the only place where we can live.

      Due to the limited time, the researcher will no longer discuss about weather manipulation and how man tries to use it as a tactic or revenge to other nations. It is insignificant and will only confuse the reader on the real topic that is being discussed.

E. Materials and Methods.

     In this research, the materials used by the researcher to gather information are mostly from articles online and through news articles.

    The data gathered will be presented by emphasizing on the need to start acting now to prevent another catastrophe due to carelessness to the environment.

F. Definition of Terms

1. Climate Change. Refers to changes in a regions overall weather patterns, including precipitation, temperatures, cloud cover, and so on. (

2. Global Warming. The recent increase in the world's temperature that is believed to be caused by the increase of certain gases such as carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. (

3. Hydro-Meteorological. The branch of meteorology that deals with the occurrence, motion, and changes of state of atmospheric water. (

  Chapter 2:

What can we do to raise awareness about protecting the environment and prepare for a catastrophe?

Definition and Ways To Protect the Environment and Prepare for a Catastrophe

Protection is the act of protecting or the state of being protected; preservation from injury or harm. People has the nature to protect something that is important to them. And having only this earth as the most suitable to live in, it is our responsibility to protect and take care of our environment.

In article entitled: "Why Should We Protect Our Environment?" by Niharika Bhati, the author gave different reasons on why we should protect the environment and wrote that our very existence depends on its conservation. It is the entity wherein we all subsist, and where the entire agricultural and industrial development depends. People cannot have a long-term development if they do not have the concern for the environment.

Bhati wrote, "The unprecedented economic progress of 19th and 20th centuries has pushed the environmental and ecological awareness into the background." (

I. Common Environmental Problems

A. Global Warming

There is actually not much that can be done to prevent this phenomenon from happening. Everyday we experience the effects of global warming because of the drastic change of weather, but it is a good thing that people are being educated about it and in return, some are stepping up to address the issue and sharing to others their knowledge about it.

In an article by Larry West entitled, "What is the Greenhouse Effect?", the author explains and introduces another factor in global warming.

West wrote, "Ultimately, more greenhouse gases means more infrared radiation trapped and held, which gradually increases the temperature of the Earth's surface and the air in the lower atmosphere."(

Some countries now have laws regarding global warming. Countries, especially affected by it are now becoming sensitive to this matter and are taking legal actions to help fight and at least try to reduce its impact on them.

B. Air pollution

Industrialization is, perhaps, the main culprit for the growing air pollution in many countries. It is good that the more advanced countries are also now focusing on looking on more environment friendly methods of production in order to minimize the effects of industrialization to the environment. Industrial smoke from factories and the smoke from vehicles are now being reduced through the use of other sources of fuel and energy other than fossil fuels.

In an article entitled, "Causes of Air Pollution" by Jerry Coffey, the author gave several main causes of air pollution in our world today and how people continue to not care for their surroundings.

Coffey wrote, "As humans continue to industrialize with a dependence on fossil fuels, we continue to put our planet’s future in jeopardy and shorten the longevity of our species." (

 Industries should make a conscious effort to reduce the air pollution they release. Find other alternatives that are more earth and environmentally friendly.

C. Water pollution

One of the major factors in global warming is water pollution. Rivers and lakes are slowly turning into a pile of trash which kills the ecosystem there. Cities all over the world are struggling to keep their water free from any contamination.

In an article entitled, "Water Pollution" by Michael Hogan, the author discussed water pollution is and its effect on the ecosystem.

Hogan wrote, "Widespread consequences of water pollution upon ecosystems include species mortality, biodiversity reduction and loss of ecosystem services." (

People who live near the shores and other bodies of water should learn how to properly dispose their solid and water wastes so that the natural ecosystem will not be contaminated. Environment-friendly detergents, soaps and other solutions should also be used in order to prevent marine life poisoning.

II. Measures that Promote Environmental Protection

 These problems may get out of hand unless people make a conscious effort to protect the environment. There are ways that one can help protect the environment without having to file environmental lawsuits. There are simple ways to protect the environment.

A. Recycling

Simple acts like recycling and segregating trashes are little steps that has a huge contribution to society. Recycling helps mitigate global warming and reduce pollution. Another benefit of learning to recycle is being able to save energy and money.. (

According to an article by Erica E. Balk entitled: "Why Is Recycling Important?" the author listed some of the benefits when we practice recycling.

Balk wrote, "Recycling reduces air and water pollution and reduces greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions which contribute to global warming." (

People think that recycling, saving energy or simply walking rather than using automobiles to reduce pollution are irrelevant, but those simple gestures are vital in preserving our environment. Each and everyone of us has an important role to play in this world. Let us not limit ourselves, because the power to change things lies in us.

III. Disaster Preparation

 They say that preparation is the key to success. And when it comes to preparing for a catastrophe, it is best that we prepare early. We should not waste time thinking that it will not happen anytime soon. You never know when catastrophe may occur.

A. It Should Start Within Yourself

It is not always that someone will be there to help you once disaster strikes. Even when you are alone, you should know how to be able to survive and help yourself.

In an article by Gary F. Arnet entitled, "Disaster Preparation," the author gave ideas on how we can prepare more efficiently and what possible disasters may occur wherein we can be able to prepare.

Arnet wrote, "Some of us need to be prepared for being at "ground zero." Certain areas are the most likely direct targets of natural disasters. All of us need to be prepared to be indirect targets, those affected by the temporary collapse of our nation's infrastructure."

Earthquakes, floods, hurricanes, etc., you name it, all catastrophes will not give signals on when they will happen. People can be caught off guard. This is why preparing for one will be a big help.

B. It Also Starts Within the Community

Preparation can begin at home or within the neighborhood. Whatever we have on hand can be use as a tool help each and everyone in our area to start preparing for the worst case scenario.

Carla R. McMillan wrote in article entitled: "Natural Disasters: Prepare, Mitigate, Manage." Disaster preparedness facilitates the use of all available resources, relief and rehabilitation in the best possible way.

According to McMillan, "Disaster preparedness starts at the local community level; if local resources were insufficient, it would branch out to the national level, and if needed, the international level." (

Having information on how to protect the environment and prepare for a catastrophe, the reader can now have an idea on how they can help fight this problem and contribute to the continuing efforts of different agencies in addressing this global issue.

                                                                  Chapter 3:
                                     Summary, Conclusions, and Recommendations   


This paper attempted to determine how to raise awareness about protecting the environment, prevent disasters and prepare for a catastrophe.

1. Weather conditions have drastically change over the past years. Storms are now frequent than ever and temperatures are starting to rise beyond what we can bear.

2.The coming years will not get any better due to climate change and global warming.

3. Sudden rise in temperature is also the result of climate change.

4. Everyday we experience the consequence of our actions as regards to how we irresponsibly treat our environment.


Based on the findings of this study, the following conclusions are drawn:

1. That global warming and climate change are inevitable. We cannot stop it from happening, but we can prevent and reduce its effect on us.

2. That each individual can contribute to address this phenomenon and no act is too small.


After drawing the conclusions of the study, the researcher hereby make the following suggestions/recommendations:

1. People who are in support of preserving our planet should continue to look for ways on how they can spread this global campaign

2. People should research and conduct more study regarding climate change and global warming.


Than, Ker Scientists: Natural Disasters Becoming More Common. Retrieved March 16, 2014 from

Fiset, Nathalie Climate Change Due to Global Warming. Retrieved March 16, 2014 from

Hardcastle, Jonathon Climate Change-The Coming Crisis. Retrieved March 16, 2014 from

Bhati, Niharika Why Should We Protect Our Environment? Retrieved April 10, 2014 from

McMillan, Carla Natural Disasters: Prepare, Mitigate, Manage. Retrieved April 10, 2014 from

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Blogpost 6: How They Manipulate Weather

Man is naturally interested on experimenting things. They have a very curious brain that wants to know more or find out what will happen when they do this and that. One of the things that man has been experimenting on is what they call a weather modification. Weather modification is basically trying to manipulate or alternate the weather. Cloud seeding is one good example of it. Experts use cloud seeding to increase rain so that water supply will not run low. Another use of weather modification is by provoking or damaging an enemy's or rival's weather as a tactic or weapon for military warfare. 

A lot of people say that the U.S., China and Russia are trying to control the weather system. And that the extreme storms we are experiencing are the results of the tests that these countries make. They believe that they change the path of the storms to counter another country's tactic.

In an article by T. Stokes entitled, "Weather Manipulation?" He said and I quote, "The challenge is in guiding the typhoon or cyclone to the opponents central warfare  programme; to this end scientists are now using under the A.W.M guidelines ( artificial weather manipulation ) deflection shielding, and solar flares can be deflected to the eye of the cyclone and drag it to the desired path, and electromagnetic guiding seems the desired methodology." Different government agencies are actually funding this kind of project that are nonsense. We pay taxes just to manipulate weather conditions? And they are still actually denying this fact.

But why do they do it? According to an article entitled, "Global Warming: An Effect of Weather Manipulation" posted by the EU Times, they said and I quote, "Many countries are mastering the science of weather control. As a matter of fact many experts predict that a war game is being played by major powers in the world to demonstrate their capabilities of weather control." Countries are now using this kind of method to show how strong and capable they are; or even show that they can actually control the world. 

Weather modification can actually have a positive effect on us, but the dangers of it can also bring a very negative effect to a particular country. Some consider this as the new weapon of mass destruction. It may not be a big deal to us right now, but watch out. Be observant. You never know if the next storm approaching is actually a product of weather modification.

Blogpost 5: They're Different

Each storm is different. From their characteristics up to the area they effect, each of them are created uniquely. I am not going to complicate things or give you a nosebleed on this, so I will just be discussing about different types of storms that are familiar to most of us. Living in a country where we receive more than 20 storms each year, we are very much knowledgeable when it comes to flood and monsoons. But have you tried thinking what other people are experiencing?

In the Middle East, the weather is typically hot and dry that you can't even stand to be outside for a very long time. In some parts, especially along the mountains of Saudi Arabia, the temperature can drop and the cold weather can be very severe. In Europe, winter and tornadoes are the common weather there. While in Asia, most of the time it is a wet and dry season.

In an article entitled "The Temperature In Different Places Varies On The Basis Of Weather Conditions" by Linden Walhard, he explained why weather conditions in some areas differ. He said and I quote, "Since the weather systems move across the globe, predicting the weather of one place depends on the knowledge of present conditions in the adjoining areas."  He further explained that countries are closely working together to share information about weather.

But how can a specific weather condition in a particular place affect a person's mood or lifestyle? In an article entitled "Weather's Influence On People" by Monique Barb, she gave different examples on how weather conditions affect a person's mood. She said and I quote, "Mood can also be affected by weather, making good or bad moods' hence the common scene of heavy downpour in soap operas when a person cries."  Our lifestyle is also actually connected with how the weather is in our area. For instance, people like us, who lives in Asia are more used to wear clothing that aren't thick. Unlike in Europe where people there are more likely to wear sweaters and jackets.

Weather conditions can be unpredictable. It may be sunny in the morning and the next thing you know, heavy rains are starting to pour in. It may be just an ordinary winter snow, later on, snowstorm is already being broadcasted. We prepare differently, but no one is exempted to feel nature's wrath. Yes, storms differ from each other, and that doesn't mean that one is less harmful than the other. 

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Blogpost 4: Why Name It?

Have you ever wondered how storms get their names? According to my research, weather officials started naming storms more than a hundred years ago. Originally, the storm was named after saints and political figures. Today, the World Meteorological Organization, who had been assigned to name storms since 1953, now has a fixed lists of names that are arranged alphabetically. (excluding the letters Q, U, X, Y and Z) Each of these lists will then be reused every six years. But if the storm caused great destruction and was very deadly, it will be taken off the list or retired and will be replaced by another name that has the same letter.

But is it really necessary to name a storm? Well, for once, it makes it easier for people to communicate. For example, when typhoon Yolanda (Haiyan) battered the country last year, people flocked to social media sites like Facebook and Twitter. Here, they posted pictures, videos and different messages that showed the world how fierce Yolanda was. Nowadays, when you mention the names or words such as 'Yolanda,' 'Katrina,' 'Pablo,' Sendong,' 'Ondoy,' etc., we easily then understand what it means. 

In an article entitled Reason to Name Hurricanes by the U.S. Department of Commerce, NOAA, National Weather Service, they gave an example on why naming storms are important or vital. They said and I quote, "The use of easily remembered names greatly reduces confusion when two or more tropical storms occur at the same time." As compared to the naming pattern people used before, which uses the latitude-longitude system, the ones that they use currently are much easier to understand even by ordinary citizens. This is one way to show how effective government officials communicate to their people.

But not all storms are worthy to be given a name. According to an article entitled Naming A Storm? by Alana Semuels, she said and I quote, "If you start naming other storms, people will suddenly think this might be a hurricane.” Weather officials are very careful when giving out an advisory or a statement that involves having to name storm. Because people tend to panic and immediately think that it would be a deadly storm. This then may cause panic buying or other overly expressed reactions.

Names help us to remember. Names paint a picture in our mind. And there are a lot of factors when naming a storm. We may not fully understand how or where they get the names they used, but it still doesn't change the fact that a tropical depression could potentially be the world's next biggest storm in recorded history.  You never know, maybe your name would be part of the next lists of storms. Watch out!

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Blogpost 3: Nature's Wrath: What Do We Do?

Tsunamis, earthquakes, snow storms, typhoons, volcanic eruptions etc., are all forms of natural disasters that cannot be prevented. Still in the state of shock, the survivors of this disasters are left to live with its aftereffects. With no access to clean water or first aid, the risk of  having a disease outbreak is very high. Adding also to the fact that there are decomposing bodies around that have yet to be buried makes it more difficult. In all these situations, do we really now what to do when we are faced by this great kind of devastation?

Nowadays, weather state bureau agencies can predict a looming possible storm even if it is still outside the country's area of responsibility. Because of modern technology and equipment, we are now able to adequately prepare on time. I believe that if we have enough knowledge of the danger that is ahead of us, then we would go the extra mile and start moving out of harm's way.

In an article by Carolee Colter entitled Preparing for Disaster, Ms. Colter gave us an insight on how important it is for us to prepare ahead of a disaster. She said and I quote, "Planning ahead for a disaster involves anticipating emergencies that disasters bring in their wake...many disasters arrive with less warning." Without a concrete plan, chaos and confusion will surely be the sight. People walking around not knowing what to do next or where to go. Once a disaster happens, the time you have to prepare is gone and all you can do is cope with it. And sometimes, coping means for the rest of your life. 

So how do we really prepare for this natural disasters? In an article entitled How To Assemble a Disaster Supply Kit - Disaster Preparedness by Janet Wickell, she gives us tips on how to organize our emergency kits. One of her tips are and I quote, "The trick is gathering them in one area and packing them so that items are easy to transport." Part of Ms. Wickell's article includes practical supplies that are needed in an emergency kit. Such as water, canned goods, flashlight, first aid, batteries, etc. She also said that it is better that the supplies we pack could last for more than three days. Be practical.

Living in a country that receives more than 20 typhoons each year and is very prone to different kinds of natural disasters, we have this certain attitude that we already know what to expect and try to make our predictions on how to survive this calamities. But let's try to be different. Let us start listening to authorities and people who have more knowledge about it. When they say evacuate, then do it. When they say to stay put at home, then just stay put. Because at the end of the day, they will still be the very same people who can save your life. 

Friday, January 31, 2014

Blogpost 2: Change is Inevitable

What do Hurricane Allen, Hurricane Camille, Super Typhoon Haiyan, and Super Typhoon Tip all have in common? They were all storms of great magnitude that killed tens of thousands of people. Because of their massive size and structure, they were considered as the four most powerful storms in recorded history. But have you ever wondered how these storms are formed or how they can bring so much destruction to a certain area?

There are three distinct levels of progression for a storm to become a hurricane. The first stage will be a tropical disturbance, then a tropical depression and finally a tropical storm. Once the storm's winds reach 74 mph, it will then be classified as a hurricane and will now be categorized from numbers 1-5.

Depending on where they occur, people call these storms by other names. For example, in the Atlantic or Eastern Pacific they are called "hurricanes." In the Western North Pacific they are known as a "typhoon," while in the South Pacific and Indian Ocean they are referred to as "cyclones." In meteorological terms, it is known as a "tropical cyclone" and they are all formed the same way.

In an article entitled Hurricane and Typhoon by Richard Anthes, he explained how tropical cyclones are formed. He said and I quote, "The primary energy source for a tropical cyclone is the latent heat released when water vapor condenses... tropical cyclones, therefore, form only over oceans with water temperatures of at least 27° C (80° F)." Cyclones are also formed from simple thunderstorms. These type of storms can produce dangerous winds, heavy to torrential rains and massive flooding which may result in tremendous loss of property and lives in the areas affected. 

In the recent years, the Philippines was pondered by powerful storms that were beyond our capacity to handle. A lot of people have made their conclusions that we are now experiencing the effects of global warming or climate change. In an article by entitled "Stop this climate crisis madness," they posted the speech of Philippine Climate Change Commissioner, Naderev Sano, at the United Nations climate summit in Warsaw, Poland. Sano said and I quote, "Typhoons such as Haiyan and its impacts represent a sobering reminder to the international community that we cannot afford to delay climate action."  The world will see more destruction like of Katrina and Haiyan. These type of disasters, though, can be predicted. While it may not get any better, this will give us an idea and enough time to prepare more efficiently for storms of this magnitude. We cannot say, "we didn't know."

Tropical cyclones are inevitable especially due to the geographical location of our country, but that is not an excuse for us not to be aware of the reality that we are now living in a world prone to natural disasters. Yes, we cannot stop climate change, but we can do something to reduce its effects. The next generation needs us. What will their world be like by then if we do not act now? Let us not be ignorant and start doing our part.

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Blogpost 1: Super Storm

On November 8, 2013, one of the world's strongest typhoon struck the Philippines. I remember being at school during that time when they suddenly announced that classes were suspended. I felt bad and complained of having to head home early since the weather was still fine anyway and the storm's path was not forecasted to hit Metro Manila. Nothing could prepare me with the next news and images I saw that day.

Super Typhoon Yolanda/Haiyan, considered to be more than a category 5 typhoon, hovered past the Central part of the Philippines. With winds of up to 300 km/h, Yolanda destroyed everything on it's path. Coliseums, mansions, government offices, homes, hotels, schools etc. you name it, nothing was left standing. Everything was pulverized from the inside out. Chaos and panic was everywhere. Dead bodies lying on the streets or floating along the coastlines were the first things seen after the storm. People began looting different establishments to look for food to eat to ease the hunger they were experiencing. While watching the news, I began to think of what went wrong. Was our government really ready for this typhoon? Could we have reduced the number of casualties? What happened to the evacuation centers that were supposed to safeguard the people?

In an article by Luci Lizares entitled Lessons from Yolanda from the site, Ms. Lizares gave her insight/suggestion. She said and I quote, " ..if we are to be really ready, then each purok and barangay should be equipped with a structure that can withstand all the ingredients of a perfect tropical cyclone. I do not think that there is any area in the Philippines that can boast of having one." It is sad how we can build this high-rise buildings with state-of-the-art features and yet when disaster strikes, this buildings we boast about couldn't even be a place wherein we can seek shelter. We shouldn't wait for another 'Yolanda' to hit the country before we start making safer buildings. Lives are at stake.

Since Super Typhoon Yolanda hit the Philippines, nonstop donations from all over the world began pouring in. Countries like the United States, Japan, and Israel sent personnels along with some medical supplies and equipment to help in the relief efforts. Organizations such as the United Nations and the International Red Cross donated huge amounts of money and relief packs for the people who were affected by this tragedy. In "Yolanda brings out the best in people" by the writer, Val G. Abelgas, wrote about how even ordinary Filipinos went the extra mile and organized various fund-raising events for the survivors of this super storm. One of the things he wrote that stood out was, "Typhoon Yolanda has brought untold pain and suffering to millions of people, but it also brought the best in all of us." Indeed the 'Bayanihan' spirit is still in the Filipino's blood.

November 8, 2013 will forever be a part of our history. It was a time of pain and suffering  by our countrymen who survived the onslaught of this super typhoon, but it was also a time for Filipinos to show the world that no winds, floods, or any other calamities that come our way could break the Filipino's fighting spirit.